Group Picture before the run – 6:30 am sharp. That means that Tim Mangan must be on time!
September 6, 2014 – Seneca and Auburn Trails
September 6, 2014 – Seneca to Auburn Trails
Turn left out of the parking lot and head towards the mall. At Moseley, turn left and take the immediate right on LaSalle. Pick up the Seneca Trail at the end of LaSalle. Trail runs behind Bed Bath and Beyond, crosses over Turk Hill, then follows the power line. Near the top of the hill, the trail heads off to the right. Trail crosses over High Point Drive and then down to Valentown Museum. Cross over High Street and pick up the trail opposite Valentown. Trail will lead behind Walmart, then over to Willoughbrook. Turn right on Willowbrook, then after you pass thru the tunnels, turn right to continue on the Seneca Trail. Follow the trail thru Ambush Valley. Trail will lead you to 96 across from Rt. 251. Cross over 96 and head down Rt. 251. Pick up the blue trail (old trolley trail) on the right just before you get to the Auburn trail (like 20 yards or so). Follow the blue trail to Omintech Park. Turn left on Omnitech, then left on Phillips. Turn right on the Auburn Trail and follow this to Powder Mills Park. Turn right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park, then left on 96 to return to the parking lot. Distance is 13.5 miles.
For Road Route – Left out of the parking lot, run up 96 to the mall. Turn left onto High St. Right on Willowbrook, right on Rowley, cross over 96 and continue on Main St. Fishers. Right on Auburn Trail and follow this to Powder Mills Park. Turn right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park, then left on 96 to return to the parking lot. Distance is 11.3 miles.
For 12.6 – on High St, continue past Willowbrook, then right on Lane. Turn right on 96 then left on 251. Right on Auburn Trail and follow this to Powder Mills Park. Turn right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park, then left on 96 to return to the parking lot.
For 14.6 – on High St., continue past Lane. At Main St in Victor, turn left. Turn right on School, then right on Rawson. Right on Auburn Trail and follow this to Powder Mills Park. Turn right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park, then left on 96 to return to the parking lot.
For 15.8 – from the 14.6 route – on School St., stay on School to Dryer. Turn right on Dryer, then right on Cork. Turn right on 251, then left on Auburn Trail, follow this to Powder Mills Park. Turn right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park, then left on 96 to return to the parking lot.
August 30, 2014 – Crescent Trail or Roads
August 30, 2014 – Crescent Trail
Trails – turn right out of the parking lot – then right on Kreag. Pick up the Crescent Trail in the parking lot of the church. Take the Crescent Trail over to Garnsey, then continue on to Woodcliff. Then you can continue on all the way to Turk Hill, and then either turn right to 96 and back to the parking lot, or take one of the side trails over to Garnsey and back on Garnsey. Many options!
For road options:
Start with the trail runners over to Kreag. Turn right on Sully’s Trail and take this to Garnsey. Turn left on Garnsey and head up the hill. Turn right on Moseley, then turn left on Neuchatel. Turn left on Beauclaire, turn right on Turk Hill. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot for 8.7 miles.
For 11 miles – on the above road option, when you get to Turk Hill, cross and go up Steele. Turn right on Baker, then right on Valentown. Turn right on High St. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot.
For 12.75 miles, on the 11 mile route, when you get to 96, turn left, then turn right on Benson. Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on 96.
For 15.7, on the 12.75 route, when you get to Fishers Rd, turn left on Woolston, then right on Railroad Mills. Turn left on Park Rd, right on East, then right on Thornell. A right on 96 will bring you back to the parking lot.
August 23, 2014 – Knickerbocker Hill
August 23, 2014 – Knickerbocker Hill Route
Turn left out of the Park & Ride – turn right on Park Rd. Take Park Rd over to East – turn right, then left on Thornell. Turn right on Mill Rd, then left on East. Turn left on 96, then left on Knickerbocker. Take a right on Mendon Rd, then go straight to continue on Stone. Follow Stone to Clover, turn right, then turn right onto the canal. Take the canal back to the basin. Distance is 13.5 miles.
Shortcuts – from Stone – turn right on Tobey to Clover –return as above – 13.0 miles
From Mendon Rd – turn right on S.Main St – follow this over to the canal – follow the canal back – 10.8 miles.
For a longer option – when you get on the canal – head away to the west over to Edgewood. Turn around and follow the canal all the way back. Distance is 16 miles.
August 16, 2014 – Fishers Run
August 16, 2014 – Fishers Run
For 9.5 miles – Turn left onto 96, right on Park Rd. Turn left on Corduroy, and then left on Woolston. Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on Main St. Fishers. Turn right on Lower Fishers, left on Benson. Turn right on Fishers Rd, then return thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd) Turn left on 96 and back to the parking lot.
Consider checking out some of the trails around Fishers. From the Auburn Trail go past the Firehouse and look for the bridge that crosses the creek with the Indian Statue. Follow the trail over to the Lehigh Trail. Turn right on the Lehigh Trail, then take the connector trail on the right that takes you past a local business and then connects with the Fishers Park Trails. Try to follow one of these trail out to Wangum, then return to Fishers and continue with the Fishers Run –mileage is about 11.3 miles
For 12.6 miles – start with Fishers Run -– at Main St. Fishers, turn left, then right on Wangum Rd. Turn right on 251, then right on Old Dutch. Turn right on Main St Fishers, then left on Log Cabin, right on Lower Fishers, left on Benson, right on Fishers Rd, and return thru Powder Mill Park and to the parking lot on 96.
For 15 miles – start with the Fishers Run – at Main St. Fishers, turn left, then right on Wangum Rd. Turn right on 251, then left on Strong. Turn left on Dryer, then left on Willis Hill. Turn left on 251 and right on Wangum. Turn right on Main St Fishers, then left on Log Cabin, right on Lower Fishers, left on Benson, right on Fishers Rd, and return thru Powder Mill Park and to the parking lot on 96.
For 18.6 miles – start with the Fishers Run – at Main St. Fishers, turn left, then right on Wangum Rd. Turn right on 251, then left on Strong. Turn left on Dryer, then left on School St. Turn left onto the Auburn Trail, and follow the Auburn Trail back to Powder Mills Park. Take Railroad Mills to Park Rd, turn left, then take a right on East St. Turn right on Thornell, right on 96 and return to the parking lot.
August 9, 2014 – Linear Park Run
Head out the canal path towards Fairport. Exit the canal onto O’Connor. Turn left on Whitney. Whitney will turn into Five Mile Line Rd. Turn left on Rt. 441, then left into Linear Park. Cross over Irondequoit Creek and head up the hill. Turn left on Lincoln Mills, left on Linden then right on Bluff. Turn left into Eyer Park. Take the trail over to Midvale – turn left. Turn right on Baird, left into BOCES, then take the trail around the back. Turn right on O’Connor and then right on the canal and back to the basin. Distance is 13.5 miles.
(Turning left on Linden from Whitney and then left on Bluff Dr. makes the route 11.8 miles)
(For 16.4 miles – on the above route, stay on Five Mile Line Rd across 441 to Whalen. Turn right on Whalen, then right on Baird, right on 441, and return to the main route. )
For a longer option with trails – on Whitney at Linden – go under the bridge along the creek to pick up the Linear Park Trail. Run this all the way down to Panorama Plaza. Return back up to Linear Park and then follow the usual route back. Distance is 15.3 miles.
July 19, 2014 – Up Bluhm!
Turn left out of the parking lot. Turn left onto Garnsey, then left on Turk Hill. Cross over 31 then turn right on Ayrault. Turn right on the Perinton Bike Hike way. Follow the Bike Hike Way over to Lollypop Farm. Turn right on Egypt Victor Rd. Turn right on Bluhm. Continue straight on Thayer, then right on Steele. Cross over Turk, then turn right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill then left on Garnsey. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot. Distance is 13.2 miles.