Starting at the Parking Lot Behind the Fire Station in Fishers 6:30 am
The goal of this week’s route is to view the Bluebells in Mertensia, just east of Victor. To make this a reasonable distance for most of us, I suggest starting at the parking lot behind the Fire Station in Fishers at 6:30 am. I will be starting from here.
Pick up the Auburn Trail and head towards Victor. Stay on the Auburn trail all the way to Mertensia- after crossing Mud Creek, turn left and run down into the park back towards Mud Creek, and follow the trail (turn right) on the eastside of Mud Creek, enjoy the flowers and you should come out near the tennis courts. Head back up the hill and return via the Auburn Trail. Distance is 13.2 miles.
For those who would like to see the Bluebells but want a shorter run – park next to Finn’s Tap Room, on Maple St. in Victor. Follow the Auburn Trail to the east right from the parking area. The round trip distance is just a little over 5 miles.
If you park at the Lehigh Crossing Park just off 251, and pick up the Auburn Trail – you will reduce the round trip run to a little over 9 miles.
Alternate – Starting from the Park-n-Ride
For those wanting to start from the usual parking lot, turn left out of the parking lot, then turn right on Fishers Rd. Pick up the Auburn Trail on the left after crossing over Irondequoit Creek, and follow it all the way past Victor to Mertensia. Enjoy the flowers, then run back. Distance is 20 miles.
The rest of the options do not include a view of the bluebells.
For 8.3 miles – Fishers Rd to Auburn Trail to Main St Fishers. Turn around and follow the Auburn Trail back to Fishers Rd and continue on Auburn Trail past the old swimming hole to Railroad Mills. Stay on the Auburn Trail to Woolston. Right on Woolston, left on Corduroy, right on Park Rd, left on 96 and back to the parking lot.
For 10.1 miles –stay on the Auburn Trail to Phillips then return as the 8.3 mile route.
For 12.2 miles – turn around on the Auburn Trail at 251.
For 14.5 miles – turn around on the Auburn Trail at Rawson Rd.