All routes – turn left out of the parking lot and head up 96 to the Mall. Turn left onto High St Extension and then left onto High St.
For 12.1 miles – from High St, turn left on Gillis, then left on Cobble Creek Rd. Take the first two right turns to continue on Cobble Creek Rd. Turn left on Egypt Victor Rd, then left on Valentown. Turn right to head up Baker, then left on Steele. Cross over Turk Hill and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill, then left on Garnsey. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot.
For 8.9 miles – from High St, turn left on Valentown, then left on Baker. Left on Steele, cross over Turk Hill and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill, then left on Garnsey. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot.
For 10 miles – follow the 8.9 mile route – when on Neuchatel, stay on Neuchatel all the way over to Moseley. Turn right on Moseley, then left on Garnsey, rejoining the 8.9 mile route.
For 14 miles – Take Gillis past Cobble Creek. Cross over Egypt-Victor, then turn left on Blazey. Turn left on Richardson, left on Egypt-Victor Rd, then right on Valentown, rejoining the main route.
For 16 miles – follow 14 mile route. On Blazey – continue on Blazey past Richardson. Blazey changes names to Daley. Turn left on Wilkinson, then left on Egypt-Victor, and rejoin the 14 mile route.