June 27, 2020 – Crescent Trail or Garnsey-Turk-Steele

Remember to use appropriate safety protocols.

Group gatherings have been increased to 25 or less.

Post-run coffee –The owner of the 7 Story Brew Pub is allowing us to use his outdoor seating area along the canal. Bring your own refreshments!

Crescent Trail – Turn left out of the parking lot, then left on Garnsey. Take the first left onto Sulley’s Trail. Turn right on Kreag Rd. Pick up the Crescent Trail behind the church on the right. Take the Crescent Trail over to Garnsey, cross over and continue on the trail. When you are half tired, turn around and return to the start.

Road Routes – Garnsey Turk Steele

Turn left out of the parking lot, then turn left onto Garnsey.  Right on Turk, then left on Steele.  Turn right at the top of Steele and head down Baker.  Turn right on Valentown, then at High St, turn left (yes – turn left).  Turn right on Willowbrook, right on Rowley, then right on 96 followed by a left on Benson.  Turn right on Fishers, then left on 96 and back to the parking lot.  Distance is 12.2 miles.


For 6.6 miles – when on Turk Hill – Stay on Turk Hill past Steele. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot.


For 9 miles – at Valentown and High St – turn right on High St, then right on 96 and back to the parking lot.


For 10.7 miles – right on High St, left on 96, then right on Benson and rejoin the 12.2 mile route above.


For 15 miles – From Baker, turn left on Valentown, then right on Egypt-Victor Rd.  Turn right on Aldridge, right on High St, then left on Willowbrook, rejoining the main route.  Then on Fishers Rd, come back thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd.)


June 20, 2020 – Mendon Ponds Park

Remember to use appropriate safety protocols.

Group gatherings have been increased to 25 or less.

Perhaps we could try a small outdoor gathering by the canal after the run. If you feel comfortable with that, get your refreshments from your favorite place (Tim Hortons, Brueggers, or Dunkin) and have a seat by the canal, maintaining appropriate safety protocols.

Turn left out of the parking lot, then turn right on Park Rd. Turn right on East, then left on Thornell. Take the Thornell to the end, then turn left on W. Bloomfield. Cross over the Thruway, then turn right on Canfield. Turn right on Pittsford Mendon Center Rd. Turn right on Barker, then right on W. Bloomfield.  Turn left on Thornell and take this all the way back to the basin. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot. Distance is 11.9 miles.


For 7.4 miles – on Thornell, turn left on Pittsford Mendon Rd, then left onto Van Voorhis. Turn left on East, then right on Thornell and back to the basin.


For 9.4 miles – on W. Bloomfield, turn left on Canfield just before you get to the Thruway. Turn left on Pittsford Mendon Rd, then turn right on Van Voorhis. Turn left on East, then right on Thornell and back to the basin.


For 14.9 miles – on Canfield continue on straight past Mendon Center Rd to Clover. Turn right on Clover, then right on Willard. Turn right on Mendon Center Rd, then left on Barker. Turn right on W. Bloomfield.  Turn left on Thornell and take this all the way back to the basin. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot. Distance is      14.9 miles.


June 13, 2020 – Cartersville Trail and Knickerbocker Hill

Remember to use appropriate safety protocols.

Group gatherings need to be limited to 10 or less.

(Most of us end up running in a smaller group than 10)

No large group starts.

When your running companions are ready to go – go ahead and get started. I will not be making any announcements at the start.

No gathering for post-run refreshments.

Turn left out of the parking lot. Pick up the Cartersville Trail behind the Marathon Gas Station. Follow the Cartersville trail along the south side of the canal until you are across from Knickerbocker. (Or stay on 96 if you don’t like the trail.) Turn left onto Knickbocker, and head up the hill. Turn right on Pittsford Mendon Rd. At the 4 way intersection, go straight onto Stone. Tobey and Stone will run together, then go left to stay on Stone. Turn right on Clover, then pick up the canal and head back to the basin. Distance is 11.3 miles.


You can cut the route short by a half-mile (and avoid a large hill) by staying on Tobey over to Clover (10.8 miles)

For 13.7 miles – follow the main route. When you reach the canal- head west on the canal to the JCC – then turn around and return to the basin.

For 8.5 miles – follow the main route until you get to the 4 way intersection with Stone. Turn right and follow this to the canal, then follow the canal back to the basin.


June 6, 2020 – Oven Door Runners Soft Restart – The Fishers Run

With certain safety protocols in place, I believe it is time to partially restart the Oven Door Runs.

Group gatherings need to be limited to 10 or less.

Most of us end up running in a smaller group than 10.

No large group starts.

When your running companions are ready to go – go ahead and get started. I will not be making any announcements at the start.

I will post suggestions for the route for each week. As always, you are welcome to run whatever you like and start whenever you want.

For now I recommend that we forego gathering for post-run refreshments.

The traditional Fishers Run, from the parking lot is 9.5 miles – Turn left onto 96, right on Park Rd.  Turn left on Corduroy, and then left on Woolston.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on Main St. Fishers.  Turn left on Log Cabin, then right on Lower Fishers, and then left on Benson.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then return thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd)  Turn left on 96 and back to the parking lot.


Note: You can skip the Lower Fishers option by staying on Log Cabin. This shortens any route by 1 mile.

You can skip Powder Mills Park on the way back by staying on Fishers Rd to 96. This shortens any route by 0.5 miles

For 7.5 miles – take 96 directly to Fishers Rd. Left on Main St. Fishers, then left on Log Cabin. Stay on Log Cabin, then left on Benson, right on Fishers Rd, then left on 96.


For 12.5 miles – start with the standard route. At Main St. Fishers, turn right, then take a left on Old Dutch. Turn left on 251, left on Wangum, then right on Main St Fishers, and rejoin the standard route.     
