November 16, 2024 – Perinton Bike Hike Way and Ayrault Rd

Head out the canal towards Fairport. Take the pedestrian bridge across the canal after you pass Turk Hill, which puts you on the Perinton Bike Hike Way.

For 10.3 miles, turn right on Ayrault Rd, then return to the basin on the canal.

For 12 miles stay on the Perinton Bike Hike Way to Hogan. Turn left, then take a left on Ayrault, and pick up the canal to return to the basin.

For 13.7 miles, stay on the Perinton Bike Hike Way to Mason. Turn left, then take a left on Ayrault, and pick up the canal to return to the basin.

For 15.5 miles, take the Perinton Bike Hike Way across Rt 31 and continue to Lollypop. Turn left on Egypt-Victor Rd. Turn right on Rt 31, then left on Aldrich. Take a left on Ayrault, and pick up the canal to return to the basin.

For 7 miles – I recommend out and back on the canal to Perinton Town Park.