December 28, 2024 – Holiday Neighborhood Run

Do I have a special run for you! It is our tradition between Christmas and New Year’s Day, to have a run thru the neighborhoods. I have put together a route to hit some neighborhoods I have never run before. This year’s route will be mostly right hand turns with a couple of exceptions…

Way too many roads to name, but check out the map to see where I’m sending you.

Turn left out of the parking lot. The first right turn will be on Pine Hill Drive. At every intersection take the right option. Turn around at the end of cul-de-sacs.


1) Do not turn onto Park Rd.

2) Do not turn into business lots.

3) Do not turn onto Woolston

4) When you come back up the hill from Whistlestop turn left on Fishers Rd.

5) Do not turn onto Benson.

6) When you get back to 96, turn left and return to the parking lot.

If you make it thru all the roads I have outlined in the map – the distance is 11.5 miles

Feel free to shorten any portion of the route!

December 21, 2024 – The Fishers Run

The traditional Fishers Run, from the parking lot is 9.5 miles – Turn left onto 96, right on Park Rd. Turn left on Corduroy, and then left on Woolston. Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on Main St. Fishers. Turn left on Log Cabin, then right on Lower Fishers, and then left on Benson. Turn right on Fishers Rd, then return thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd) Turn left on 96 and back to the parking lot.

Note: You can skip the Lower Fishers option by staying on Log Cabin. This shortens any route by 1 mile.

You can skip Powder Mills Park on the way back by staying on Fishers Rd to 96. This shortens any route by 0.5 miles

For 7.5 miles – take 96 directly to Fishers Rd. Left on Main St. Fishers, then left on Log Cabin. Stay on Log Cabin, then left on Benson, right on Fishers Rd, then left on 96.

For 12.5 miles – start with the standard route. At Main St. Fishers, turn right, then take a left on Old Dutch. Turn left on 251, left on Wangum, then right on Main St Fishers, and rejoin the standard route.

Or from Old Dutch, take the Lehigh Trail over to Wangum. (11.9 miles)

Or from Old Dutch take the Lehigh Trail to the Auburn Trail, and return Main St. Fishers along the Auburn Trail, then rejoin the main routes. (13.3 miles)

December 14, 2024 – Garnsey Turk Steele

December 14, 2024 – Garnsey Turk Steele

Turn left out of the parking lot, then turn left onto Garnsey. Right on Turk, then left on Steele. Turn right at the top of Steele and head down Baker. Turn right on Valentown, then at High St, turn left (yes – turn left). Turn right on Willowbrook, right on Rowley, then right on 96 followed by a left on Benson. Turn right on Fishers, then left on 96 and back to the parking lot. Distance is 12.2 miles.

For 6.6 miles – when on Turk Hill – Stay on Turk Hill past Steele. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot.

For 9 miles – at Valentown and High St – turn right on High St, then right on 96 and back to the parking lot.

For 10.7 miles – right on High St, left on 96, then right on Benson and rejoin the 12.2 mile route above.

For 15 miles – From Baker, turn left on Valentown, then right on Egypt-Victor Rd. Turn right on Aldridge, right on High St, then left on Willowbrook, rejoining the main route. Then on Fishers Rd, come back thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd.)