October 6, 2018 – Garnsey-Turk-Steele
Turn left out of the parking lot, then turn left onto Garnsey. Right on Turk, then left on Steele. Turn right at the top of Steele and head down Baker. Turn right on Valentown, then at High St, turn left (yes – turn left). Turn right on Willowbrook, right on Rowley, then right on 96 followed by a left on Benson. Turn right on Fishers, then left on 96 and back to the parking lot. Distance is 12.2 miles.
For 6.6 miles – when on Turk Hill – Stay on Turk Hill past Steele. Turn right on 96 and back to the parking lot.
For 9 miles – at Valentown and High St – turn right on High St, then right on 96 and back to the parking lot.
For 9.7 miles and some trails – on Valentown, before you get to High St, look for a new road named Fernwood Trail on the right. Take Fernwood Trail – it will turn into High Point Drive – then pick up the Seneca Trail on the right, just past the top of the hill. Follow the Seneca Trail over to Turk Hill, and continue on the Seneca Trail which runs behind the Michaels Plaza. This trail will take you out to LaSalle Parkway. Then pick up 96 and head back to the parking lot.
For 10.7 miles – right on High St, left on 96, then right on Benson and rejoin the 12.2 mile route above.
For 15 miles – From Baker, turn left on Valentown, then right on Egypt-Victor Rd. Turn right on Aldridge, right on High St, then left on Willowbrook, rejoining the main route. Then on Fishers Rd, come back thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd.)