June 2, 2018 – Ayrault and more

June 2, 2018 – Ayrault and more

Road Options – All routes – turn right out of the parking lot, then turn right on Kreag. Turn right on Ayrault.

For 7.3 miles – turn right on Turk Hill, then right on Garnsey, right on 96 and back to the parking lot.


For 9.6 miles – From Ayrault turn right on Hogan, then turn right on the Perinton Bike Hike Way, which brings you back to Ayrault. Turn left on Ayrault, then left on Turk Hill. Turn right on Garnsey then right on 96.


For 11.4 miles – From Ayrault – turn right on Mason, then right on the Perinton Bike Hike Way, back to Ayrault. Turn left on Ayrault, then left on Turk Hill. Turn right on Garnsey then right on 96.


For 13.1 miles – take Ayrault to the end – turn right on Aldrich, then right on 31. Turn left on Egypt-Victor Rd, then turn right onto the Perinton Bike Hike Way, which brings you back to Ayrault. Turn left on Ayrault, then left on Turk Hill. Turn right on Garnsey then right on 96.


For 15 miles – follow the 13.1 mile route. At Aldrich and 31 turn left, then turn right on Pannell. Turn right on the Perinton Bike Hike Way, which brings you back to Ayrault. Turn left on Ayrault, then left on Turk Hill. Turn right on Garnsey then right on 96.


Trail Options – follow the main route to the corner of Ayrault and Aldrich and pick up the orange trail over to the White Brook Nature Center. At Aldrich, turn right and then back on the orange trail to the left. Keep following orange. Take Ranney Drive out to Mason, turn left, then right on Perinton Bike Hike Way. Turn left on Ayrault, then left on Turk Hill. Turn right on Garnsey then right on 96.


TRAILS ONLY –for those who feel there are too many roads to get to the trails – meet at the Park and Ride – then car pool over with me to the parking lot on Ayrault next to the Perinton Bike Hike Way.  We will make it a loop by following the Hike way over to Mason, then pick up the Crescent Trail over to Broadmoor, the White Brook Nature Trails, then run along the south side of the canal all the way to the Perinton Bike Hike Way and back  to the cars.  8.3 miles or maybe more.


May 26, 2018 – Main St Fishers and Mile Square

May 26, 2018 – Main St Fishers and Mile Square

Turn left out of the parking lot and take 96 to right on Fishers Rd. Turn left onto Benson, and then turn right on Lower Fishers. Turn left on Log Cabin, then turn right on Main St. Fishers. Follow this to Mile Square and turn right. Mile Square will change names to East. Turn right on Thornell, then right on 96 and back to the parking lot. Distance is 11 miles.


For 10 miles – on Benson, turn right on Log Cabin and rejoin the main route.

For 7 miles – on Fishers Rd, stay on Fishers Rd instead of getting on Benson. Turn right on Probst, then rejoin the main route when you turn right on Mile Square.


For 13.3 miles – Follow main route. On Main St Fishers, turn left onto the Auburn Trail. Cross over Phillips, then turn right on the Lehigh Trail. Cross over Phillips and Wangum, then turn right on Old Dutch. Turn left on Main St Fishers, re-joining the main route.


For 15.6 miles – Follow the 13.3 mile route. when on Mile Square, turn left on Smith, right on Pittsford-Mendon Rd, right on Cole, then left on Mile Square, rejoining the main route.


May 19, 2018 – Lilac Run

May 19, 2018 – Doc Lilac’s Lilac Nursery Run

I think the time is right to check out the Lilacs!

From the Park and Ride – turn left on 96, then left on Garnsey, turn left on Turk Hill, then right on 31.  Turn right onto the parking area for Indian Hill.  Take whatever trail up the hill you want to up to the top.  Head over to the far side of the big open field and pick up the orange trail over to the pine tree farm.  Stay on orange out towards Turk Hill along the left side of the tree farm – and take the white trail on the right over to Doc Lilac’s Lilac Farm. The trail comes up to a farm lane – turn right, then after you pass a set of beehives, the white trail goes into the woods and up to the Lilacs. Enjoy the Lilacs and then head out  to Turk Hill to Garnsey and back to the basin.  Distance is about 9 miles.


You can increase the distance by turning left on Turk Hill and then picking up the Crescent Trail off Turk Hill on the right after you pass by Beaumont.  Follow the Crescent Trail back to Garnsey then out to the Park and Ride

For mostly roads,

Stay on Rt. 31 beyond the parking area of Indian Hill– turn right on Thayer, right on Steele, cross over Turk into Beaumont, right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill, left on Garnsey and back to the basin.  Or turn right on Turk Hill and then right to go into the Lilac Nursery. Distance is 10 miles.


For 11.2 – on Turk Hill continue heading north across Rt. 31. Turn right on Ayrault, then pick up the Perinton Bike Hike Way and turn right.  Turn right on Hogan, then left on 31.  Turn right onto Thayer and rejoin the 10 mile route.


For 12.4 – stay on Turk Hill until you get to Pebble Hill Rd.  Turn right on Pebble Hill Rd, then right on Perinton Bike Hike Way and rejoin the 11.2 mile route.


For 14.2 – take Turk Hill to the canal – get on the canal and head east, then cross over the canal to continue on the Perinton Bike Hike Way.  Take the Bike Hike Way all the way to Rt. 31.  Turn right on 31, then left on Thayer, rejoining the 10 mile route.




May 12, 2018 – Modified Linear Park Run

May 12, 2018 – Linear Park Run- Modified

Marsh Rd Bridge is still out, but the towpath between Ayrault and Fairport has re-opened. To celebrate let’s run the Linear Park Run! I will not be there to get you started, but Dan has offered to fire the gun this week.

Turn right out of the parking lot, then turn right on Kreag. Turn left on 31, then get on the canal path and head out the towards Fairport.  Exit the canal onto O’Connor.  Turn left on Whitney.  Whitney will turn into Five Mile Line Rd.  Turn left on Rt. 441, then left into Linear Park.  Cross over Irondequoit Creek and head up the hill.  Turn left on Lincoln Mills, left on Linden then right on Bluff.  Turn left into Eyer Park.  Take the trail over to Midvale – turn left.  Turn right on Baird, left into BOCES, then take the trail around the back.  Turn right on O’Connor and then right on the canal exit the canal at 31 and retrace your route back to the parking lot.  Distance is 13.5 miles.


For 12.1 miles, turn left on Linden from Whitney and then left on Bluff Dr., rejoining the main route


For 9.5 miles – on Whitney – turn left on Baird, then left into BOCES, rejoining the main route


For 7.8 miles – run the canal until you get to O’Connor, then turn around and retrace your steps back to the parking lot.

For 16.7 miles – follow the main route – at 441 continue straight on Five Mile Line Rd. Turn left on Whalen, then left on Clark. Next, turn left on Huntington Meadows, followed by a left on Panorama Trail. Turn left on Penfield Rd. Cross over 441 and enter Linear Park, rejoining the main route.



May 5 – Daffodil Meadow

May 5, 2018 – Cartersville Trail to Auburn Trail to Daffodil Meadow

The main goal of this week’s run is to end up in the Daffodil Meadow to check out the Daffodils.

Turn right out of the parking lot and run 96 towards the Basin. Pick up the Cartersville trail between Marsh Road and the gas station (was Hess now Marathon. How appropriate!) Follow this trail along the south side of the canal past the coffee shop. Keep the parking lot to your left continue with the canal on your right. Stay on the trail until you are across from Knickerbocker. Cross over 96 and get on the Auburn Trail. This will bring you to Mill Road – bear right. Cross over Thornell to stay on the Auburn Trail – this will bring you to a driveway that leads to East St. Cross over East St and stay on the Auburn Trail

For 7.2 miles – turn left on Park Rd, then left on the Daffodil Meadow Trail just after the bridge crossing Irondequoit Creek. Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin.


For 8.9 miles – take the Auburn Trail across Railroad Mills to a left on Woolston. Turn left on Corduroy, then left on Park Rd, then turn right onto the Daffodil Meadow Trail. Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin.


For 10.7 miles – stay on the Auburn Trail until you get to the intersection with Probst. Turn left to go on Railroad Mills – run up the hill, turn left on Fishers Rd, left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, left on Park Rd, then right onto the Daffodil Meadow Trail. . Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin.


For 12 miles – stay on the Auburn Trail to Fishers Rd. Turn left on Fishers Rd, left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, left on Park Rd, then right onto the Daffodil Meadow Trail. . Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin.


For 13.2 miles – stay on Auburn Trail to Main St Fishers. Turn right, then right on Fishers Rd. Left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, left on Park Rd, then right onto the Daffodil Meadow Trail. . Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin.


For 15.7 miles – stay on the Auburn Trail to the Lehigh Trail. Turn right onto the Lehigh trail. At Wangum Rd, turn right , then left on Main St. Fishers, then right on Fishers Rd. Left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, left on Park Rd, then right onto the Daffodil Meadow Trail. . Enjoy the daffodils, then continue to Thornell. Take Thornell back to the basin and 96 back to the basin
