April 28, 2018 – The Fishers Run

April 28, 2018 – The Fishers Run

The traditional Fishers Run, from the parking lot is 9.5 miles – Turn left onto 96, right on Park Rd.  Turn left on Corduroy, and then left on Woolston.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on Main St. Fishers.  Turn left on Log Cabin, then right on Lower Fishers, and then left on Benson.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then return thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd)  Turn left on 96 and back to the parking lot.


Note: You can skip the Lower Fishers option by staying on Log Cabin. This shortens any route by 1 mile.

You can skip Powder Mills Park on the way back by staying on Fishers Rd to 96. This shortens any route by 0.5 miles

For 7.5 miles – take 96 directly to Fishers Rd. Left on Main St. Fishers, then left on Log Cabin. Stay on Log Cabin, then left on Benson, right on Fishers Rd, then left on 96.


For 12.5 miles – start with the standard route. At Main St. Fishers, turn right, then take a left on Old Dutch. Turn left on 251, left on Wangum, then right on Main St Fishers, and rejoin the standard route.     


For 16 miles – Start with the 12.5 mile route. When on 251, add a loop by turning right on Strong, left on Dryer, left on Willis Hill, left on 251, then rejoin the 12.5 mile route when you turn right on Wangum.



April 21, 2018 – Gillis Rd

April 21, 2018 – Gillis Rd

All routes – turn left out of the parking lot and head up 96 to the Mall. Turn left onto High St Extension and then left onto High St.

For 12.1 miles – from High St, turn left on Gillis, then left on Cobble Creek Rd. Take the first two right turns to contine on Cobble Creek Rd. Turn left on Egypt Victor Rd, then left on Valentown. Turn right to head up Baker, then left on Steele. Cross over Turk Hill and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill, then left on Garnsey. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot.


For 8.9 miles – from High St, turn left on Valentown, then left on Baker.  Left on Steele, cross over Turk Hill and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, right on Vineyard Hill, then left on Garnsey. Turn right on 96 and return to the parking lot.


For 10 miles – follow the 8.9 mile route – when on Neuchatel, stay on Neuchatel all the way over to Moseley. Turn right on Moseley, then left on Garnsey, rejoining the 8.9 mile route.


For 14 miles – Take Gillis past Cobble Creek. Cross over Egypt-Victor, then turn left on Blazey. Turn left on Richardson, left on Egypt-Victor Rd, then right on Valentown, rejoining the main route.


For 16 miles – follow 14 mile route. On Blazey – continue on Blazey past Richardson. Blazey changes names to Daley. Turn left on Wilkinson, then left on Egypt-Victor, and rejoin the 14 mile route.


April 14, 2018 – Run the Canal

April 14, 2018 – Run the Canal

An article in the paper indicated that the canal towpath is closed for 2 to 4 weeks between Ayrault and Perinton Town Park due to emergency canal repairs needed prior to the start of the summer boating season, which starts mid-May.  So runs in that direction are out. Never fear, I have come up with a route that puts us on the canal, with only a very small part that retraces last week’s route.

Turn left out of the parking lot. Turn left on Garnsey, then left on Sully’s Trail. Turn right on Kreag. Turn left on Rt. 31, then pickup the canal and run back towards Bushnell’s Basin. Follow the canal path until you get to the Cartersville Guard Gate, and turn right to connect with Marsh Rd. Turn left on Marsh, cross over Rt. 31, then turn left onto the old Trolley Trail. Follow this thru the Senior Citizen Complex, cross over 31, then turn left to follow the Auburn trail, cross over Mitchell, then turn left onto the canal. Retrace your route back to the parking lot – (right onto 31, right on Kreag, left on Sully’s Trail, right on Garnsey, right on 96)

Distance is 12.4 miles.


For 7 miles, turn around on the canal where the path goes under Marsh Rd.

For 9 miles, turn around at the Great Embankment Park.

For 10 miles, turn around at the Cartersville Guard Gate.

For 14.6 miles, when the main route turn back on the canal from the Auburn Trail, turn right and run over to Schoen Place. Then turn around and return to the main route.

April 7, 2018 – Carterville Trail and the Springhouse

April 7, 2018 – Cartersville Trail and the Springhouse Run

Cartersville – An active shipping port on the Erie Canal.  Horses were changed here in the Towpath era. It was located near where East St intersects Rt. 96. The flood control gate is officially known as the Cartersville Guard Gate.

Let’s check out the trail that runs along the south side of the canal heading towards Pittsford. Most of the surface is short grass and relatively flat. I will be making use of this trail a lot over the next several months while Marsh Rd bridge is closed.

Turn right out of the parking lot. The trail starts on the right just past Marsh Rd. Pick up the sidewalk that runs behind the Hess Station. This section of the trail is actually part of the Crescent Trail – orange blazes. Follow the trail along the south side of the canal. You will see a parking area – the footpath will continue past the parking area. When you cross the Perinton/Pittsford boundary, the trail becomes the Cartersville Trail. The trail will take you over to Mitchell Rd, though around East St you will be running across open grassy areas. Trail weaves in and out of the woods between 96 and the canal. The last 100 yards or so before Mitchell you will need to run on the shoulder of 96. Turn right on Mitchell, cross over the canal and turn left onto the Auburn Trail. Just before Rt 31, turn left under the power line, then turn right on the canal.

Follow the canal path until you pass under the railroad trestle. Bear right onto the Town Highway Department road, then turn left onto a trail that will connect you with the Auburn Trail. Follow the Auburn Trail across French Rd, and stay on the Auburn Trail until you are across the street from the Springhouse. Cross 31 and pick up the old Erie Canal trail that runs behind Wegmans. Follow this across French Rd, to the Barge Canal. Turn left on the Barge Canal trail. When you get to the power line, retrace your steps back to the basin and the parking lot (Power line to Auburn Trail to Mitchell to the Cartersville Trail.

Distance is 12.5 miles.


For 6 miles, follow the main route until you reach the power lines. Turn around and retrace your steps to the parking lot.

For 8 miles, follow the main route until you get to where the canal path reaches Main St in Pittsford. Turn around and retrace your steps back to the parking lot.

For 10 miles, follow the main route until you get to where the Auburn Trail crosses French Rd. Turn around and retrace your steps back to the parking lot.

For 15 miles – follow the main route. When you go from the Old Erie Canal to the Barge Canal, turn right on the Barge Canal. Run over to the JCC, turn around and head back to the basin.