October 29, 2016 – Halloween Run to Powers Farm Market

Halloween Picture Run – October 29, 2016

It is time for our annual Halloween Picture Run at Powers Farm Market. Dick and Maureen will be on hand for taking this year’s shot.

Head out the canal towards Pittsford – exit onto N. Main St –  Rt. 96 North – turn right.  Take a right on Washington, followed by a right on Golf Ave.  Turn left into Powers Farm Market, just before Marsh Rd.  Gather at the teepees for a picture – around 7:30 am or so.  Return along Marsh Rd, connecting with the canal just after crossing Rt. 31, and return to the basin.  Distance is 9.1 miles.


For something just a little longer on the return – on Marsh Rd just before getting to 31, take the old trolley trail into the woods on the right.  Follow this thru the Senior Complex – and out to 31.  Cross over 31 and pick up the old train bed trail back to the canal – canal back to the basin.  Distance is 10.2 miles  


October 22, 2016 – Fishers Run

October 22, 2016 – Fishers Run

I will not be there to get you started, so hopefully someone else will! I’ll keep it simple – the Fishers Run.

For 9.5 miles – Turn left onto 96, right on Park Rd.  Turn left on Corduroy, and then left on Woolston.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then left on Main St. Fishers.  Turn left on Log Cabin, then left on Lower Fishers, and then left on Benson.  Turn right on Fishers Rd, then return thru Powder Mills Park (left on Woolston, right on Corduroy, right on Park Rd)  Turn left on 96 and back to the parking lot.


Note: You can skip the Lower Fishers option by staying on Log Cabin. This shortens any route by 1 mile.

You can skip Powder Mills Park on the way back by staying on Fishers Rd to 96. This shortens any route by 0.6 miles

For 12.5 miles – start with the standard route. At Main St. Fishers, turn right, then take a left on Old Dutch. Turn left on 251, left on Wangum, then right on Main St Fishers, and rejoin the standard route.     


For 16 miles – follow the 12.5 mile route. When on 251, add a loop by turning right on Strong, left on Dryer, left on Willis Hill, left on 251, then rejoin the 12.5 mile route when you turn right on Wangum.

October 15, 2016 – Perinton Bike-Hike Way

October 15, 2016 – Perinton Bike-Hike Way

Head out the canal towards Fairport. Stay on the canal past Fairport, then take the pedestrian bridge across the canal to pick up the Perinton Bike-Hike Way. Follow the Bike-Hike Way until you get to Hogan – turn right on Hogan, then right on Rt. 31. Turn left on Turk Hill, then right on Garnsey. A right on 96 returns you to the parking lot. Distance is 11.4 miles.


For 7 miles, go out the canal to Perinton Town Park, turn around and retrace your steps back to the parking lot.

TRAIL OPTION – Stay on the Perinton Bike-Hike Way past Hogan – look for the orange trail on the right just past a small bridge. Take the orange trail over to 31, cross over Rt. 31 and continue on the orange trail all the way to the Christmas Tree Farm. Stay on orange around the left edge of the field, then turn right on the white trail and follow this over to Doc Lilac’s Lilac Farm. Pop out on Turk Hill Rd, turn right, then left on Garnsey. A right turn on 96 will bring you back to the parking lot. Distance is 13 miles.


For 12.6 miles – Stay on the Bike-Hike Way to Mason/Rt. 31. Turn right on 31, then rejoin the first route.


For 13.7 miles – Stay on the Bike-Hike Way to Egypt-Victor Rd (Lollypop Farms). Turn around and retrace your steps to 31. Turn left on 31 and rejoin the first route.


For 16 miles – Stay on the Bike-Hike Way to Pannell. Turn around and retrace your steps to Rt. 31. Turn left and rejoin the first route.


October 8, 2016 – Cobblestone Creek

October 8, 2016 – Cobblestone Creek

Turn left out of the parking lot, then turn right on Fishers Rd. Turn left on Benson and follow this all the way to 96. Turn right on 96, then left on Rowley, then left on Willowbrook. Turn left on High St, then a right on Eleanor. Turn right on Gillis, then turn left on Cobble Creek Rd. Follow Cobble Creek Rd over to Egypt-Victor Rd, and turn left.  Turn left on Valentown, then right on Baker. Turn left on Steele, cross over Turk and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, then right on Vineyard Hill. Turn left on Garnsey and then a right on 96 brings you back to the parking lot. Distance is 13.4 miles.


For 7.5 miles – when you get to Benson and 96, turn left on 96 and run this back to the parking lot


For 9.4 miles – when you get to High St, stay on High St back to 96. Right on 96 and return to the parking lot


For 12.1 miles – from High St. turn right on Valentown, then left on Baker. Turn left on Steele, cross over Turk and continue on Beauclaire. Turn right on Neuchatel, then right on Vineyard Hill. Turn left on Garnsey and then a right on 96 brings you back to the parking lot.
