May 30, 2015 – White Brook Nature Trails
Trails and Roads – head out the canal towards Fairport. Exit onto Ayrault and head east. Turn right on the Perinton Bike Hike Way. Cross over Hogan, then turn left on Mason. Pick up the orange trail on the right just before the creek. Follow the orange trail over to Broadmoor. Turn left on Broadmoor, then turn right to get back on the orange trail. Follow orange between the ponds, then bear to the right to follow orange over to Aldrich. Turn right on Aldrich, then left into the White Brook Nature Center. Turn left in the parking lot to continue on orange. Follow the markers thru the park and you should come out (hitting white near the end) at the corner of Ayrault and Aldrich. Follow Ayrault back the canal and return to the basin. Distance is 13.9 miles.
Road Route – head out the canal towards Fairport. Exit onto Ayrault and head east. Turn right on the Perinton Bike Hike Way. Follow this over to Egypt Victor Rd near Lollypop Farms. Turn left on Egypt Victor Rd, right on 31, and the left on Aldrich. Turn left onto Ayrault and follow this all the way back to the basin. Distance is 12.8 miles.
Road route short cuts – from the Perinton Bike Hike Way – turn left on Mason, then left on Ayrault. Distance is 11 miles.
Or turn left on Hogan, then left on Ayrault. Distance is 9.3 miles.
TRAILS ONLY –for those who feel there are too many roads to get to the trails – meet at the Park and Ride – then car pool over with me to the parking lot on Ayrault next to the Perinton Bike Hike Way. We will make it a loop by following the Hike Way over to Mason, then pick up the Crescent Trail over to Broadmoor, the White Brook Nature Trails, then run along the south side of the canal all the way to the Perinton Bike Hike Way and back to the cars. 8.3 miles or maybe more.